• Question: how do you feel when you discover something new?

    Asked by 897strk27 to Kristi, Chris on 6 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Kristi Sawyer

      Kristi Sawyer answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      It’s an amazing feeling! A lot of hard work goes into finding something new, so when you do, and you can tell other scientists about it, it is so rewarding. It makes it all seem so worthwhile!

    • Photo: Chris Tyler

      Chris Tyler answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      It is a great feeling. For a while you are (possibly) the only person in the world that knows that new bit of information and it doesn’t matter how small the breakthrough that is exciting! Once you have the new discovery it is time to tell everyone about it which is why we spend a lot of our time writing research papers for publication and presenting data at conferences.
