• Question: how does stress effect you phsycologically?

    Asked by 733strk39 to Chris, Georgina, Kristi, Laura, Livia on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Laura Ginesi

      Laura Ginesi answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      Good question – It can affect us all differently and often depends on what’s causing it. .

      Some of the many different signs of psychological stress include getting irritated, no sense of humour, frustration, feeling overworked, worried anxious, feeling jumpy or overwhelmed.

      Some people fins it’s hard to concentrate, or feel a bit muddled, forgetful and confused. some people feel that worry won’t go away or that they feel really negative all of the time. sometimes there is a feeling that you can’t solve probems.

      All of these can be signs that stress is affecting you.

    • Photo: Livia Carvalho

      Livia Carvalho answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      There are molecules that are produced when we are stressed that go to your brain and change your behaviour. These molecules tell the brain that the environment is stressful so it can adapt to increase chances of survival. Evolutionary speaking such changes promoted survival in the face of infection. One hypothesis is that social avoidance and the inability to feel pleasure typically seen in depressed individuals serve to shunt energy resources to fighting infection and wound healing; whereas the hypervigilance state one is in when they experience anxiety would serve protection from attack and subsequent pathogen exposure. Nowadays, we believe that depression/anxiety is a maladaptation of this process.
